The title pretty much says it all. This is the week of pants that don’t fit. Did they ever fit? Have I lost weight? Did I just buy pants that were really parachutes on me? I really have no answers for you. I have had the pants you are going to see in the next several posts for some time, but haven’t worn them in awhile so I have no recollection on if this is just how they fit when I bought them…although I think it may be true.
So sorry for not the best picture ever- I haven’t been feeling my best this week and quickly snapped this thinking I would retake one later…WRONG. What’s even worse- no Bandito Burrito. Ugh. Better luck next time folks. Anyways on to the outfit…
Went to my handy-dandy closet and found this cute pin-striped blazer/jacket. I got this a few years ago and safe to say at Plato’s Closet…a second hand store (I am obsessed with thriftiness). I instantly fell in love with this when I bought it but I can’t tell you for sure if I ever wore it after buying it. I have a really bad habit of doing that (Al la old navy tank top anyone??). I put it on and had a white cami on and instantly knew I would pair it with a purple cami for work. It adds a nice splash of color especially against the white pants. It would of just been too much white had I kept the white cami. The cami is just a simple cami from a local store. It’s a polyester material so I am not crazy about it-I would rather have it in cotton, the bottom tends to roll up, aside from that though it looked great with this outfit. I paired it with some pink and gold studs, a purple statement necklace, white watch and some open toe heels by Madden Girl (from DSW).
Let’s talk about those white pants now. I don’t believe in the “no white after labor day” rule however, I don’t normally where white anything on the bottom ever. So when I pulled this blazer out with its white in it I instantly thought this is my chance to bring out another piece I haven’t worn in forever-the white dress pants! I’ve had these pants for a few years. Wore them a lot the first year I bought them and that was it. I got them from JCP. They are cute and had to be tailored because I am short and that is about all the good I have to say about them. I bought them and I remember them being big. Now, when I say big I don’t mean drowning big, but they weren’t very fitted, which was fine, however it seems either I remember it wrong or these pants magically altered themselves in my drawer because now I am drowning in them. They are straight leg and were bought in what I will so eloquently refer to as the normal height person section of the store. At JCP I should really shop in the petite section, but this time I didn’t and my body paid the price. The bottom half drowns me out for the most part. There is absolutely no shape, which on a straight leg dress pant they are just that-straight-but normally fit a little closer to the leg so you get the general impression of the person leg. Here they do not fit even close to my leg, my legs are just are swimming somewhere in each pant leg. On top of all of this my butt looks like I am wearing a diaper maybe? I have a big butt, I am curvy and I can own that. What I can’t own is having a pair of pants making me look unflattering, so as nice as these pants look with this outfit I will be in search of new white pants next year. Overall the pants served their purpose and the outfit looked good. I feel it would of looked better and more polished had the pants been a better fit. One of the key things I took away from what not to wear is a good fit makes a huge difference!
RIP White Pants-being donated to hopefully be a better fit on someone else!
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